Sunday, July 31, 2016

Getting a few in when we can…

It’s been a while; June 10th was the last time I was able to get out.  Rob and Todd were out, but I was having some issues, (mostly mental) so I had to back out at the last minute. So this was the first opportunity where we were able to hook up and get to Dutch. Weekends aren’t optimal this time of year, but you take what you can get.  When we arrived, we had a tough time finding a spot, in the Peninsula area, it was pretty packed (and the Wounded Warriors were having an event) so we had to improvise.  We grabbed one of the plastic tables and carried it down to the bottom of the hill, then I went up and grabbed my doubles to “reserve” the table, and we brought our stuff down…I felt like I was unpacking my car from the grocery store trying to carry everything else in one trip.  Rob thankfully, brought his canopy, so we were able to shield ourselves from the sun when it was out (and eventual passing shower over lunch)

It wasn’t horribly hot, but it was hot enough, and we were sweating getting things set up (and I was trying to remember how to set it up since it’s been such a long time)  As we were getting things ready, we decided upon a dive plan that wasn’t too overly crazy to try to get back into the swing of things.

We dropped in off of the platform next to the water park area, and went to 20 feet to look for anything odd.  All things seemed in order so we kept going.  Visibility was “eh” as expected seeing the number of people, and we made our way past the downed platform and ended up not too far off from the Trolley.  We swam through, and met up at the back. Rob pointed down the hill and I agreed.  Over the hill, and into more crappy visibility, it almost felt like a smoky bar at this point. It took a while, but Rob found the Deuce and a Half, and the visibility over there was making it feel like we were in Bainbridge.  Up over the ridge, and out past what we thought was the Crane, (tough to tell in the visibility) and along the bottom of the hill.  We made it to the line out to the Comet, and Rob pointed, so I agreed.  We followed the line, and when we got to the Comet, I decided to follow Rob THROUGH this time, since I usually swim along the outside….hey nothing wrong with a little light penetration….So I followed, and reminded myself why I usually don’t go through, it’s tight in spots.  Rob applauded me when I exited, and I just shrugged.  He pointed up the line, so I followed up to the platforms.  People were all over, and two almost collided with Rob.  We were at about 35 minutes, so we decided to take our safety stop and head in. (well I sort of bounced through it) and we were done!

Duration:  44 minutes
Deepest Depth: 85 feet
Coldest Temp: 47º

Not too bad of a dive to get the rust out.  I had a few mishaps early on getting my spot in the water, and my safety stop was kind of yo-yo-ish, but otherwise, not bad.  We sat back and had our wonderful Wegman’s lunch as a short passing shower went by.  After about 90 minutes of watching young girls in bikini’s (don’t get excited, nothing too crazy) we decided that it was time to go back in. 

We dropped in again from the platform next to the water park, and did our 20 ft. check. Everything again doing what it should and we were off.  Rob took a heading towards the Comet, then we found the line up the hill to the Cessna, up the hill to the plane, and as we were approaching the top, I noticed a hole in the side of the hill and saw something moving, it was a nice size crayfish keeping watch on me, I tried to put my finger in, and pull him out, but he went in further, so I left him alone.  (but now that I know you’re there hahahaha!) Over the hill, we checked in and Rob pointed to the line out towards the School Bus. Visibility was again pretty bad so we just tried to follow the line.  When we found it we went through, and met on the back side. He was considering the Hell Diver, but with the way the visibility was, and how bad it usually is over there on a normal day, he just decided to follow the line to the Firetruck.  I wasn’t paying close attention, and almost ran into the truck when we arrived.  From there we followed the line back to the Bus, then the line back to the Cessna from the front.  Over the hill again, then down past the other boat on our way to the Comet.  At about this time I just happened to look at my computer to check on my remaining gas, and noticed that we were down for 46 minutes. I realized that I just doubled my dive time for the month of July on this dive! (and almost spit out my regulator when I started laughing)(ok, it’s not funny, it’s pathetic!)(but I was probably half narced)  At the Comet he pointed up the line, and I agreed.  We swam up and back on the platform a few times, Rob was working on some breathing control going in and out of the cross pieces on the platform, I just tried to keep at one depth.  After a few laps, Rob pointed up, and I said OK, so we did our safety stop, and we were done!

Duration: 64 minutes
Deepest Depth: 64 feet
Coldest Temp: 51º

A lot of swimming around, but it was a comfortable dive.  I think we caught up on some missed safety stops over the years with the depth changes we did because it seemed that every time I went to look at my computer, it was in safety stop mode. But at least this time we weren’t crowded in the water.  We packed up, and took another trip to Wegmans for some post dive snacks, then made the long trip home.

Not sure when we’ll be out again, but we’re hoping.  Keep safe!