Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ok...Back At It….

Well…the week went faster than expected, but thankfully I got a fill on Monday.  Throughout the week Lisa was wondering what to do this weekend, and kept asking me if I was diving on Saturday (she already knew that Sunday was out because Rob’s helping with a class) So I bugged Rob a few times, and finally he was able to commit! (and she decided what she was going to do…leave town)  I had a concert at the Hershey Theater on Friday night, so I said that my arrival Saturday might be a LITTLE flexible, but I didn’t need any flexibility (had this been the 80’s, then…well we’ll just leave it at...the 80’s were a special time for me)(and I wasn’t diving, so….)  

I got home, and packed my car at 11:00pm, made sure my cat was happy for the evening, and jumped into bed.  I fell asleep fairly easily, of course Lisa’s iPad was plugged in and charging, but wasn’t turned off (…or the sound turned down) so the first time she got an email it made a “BLEEP”-ish sound…and woke me up…12:30am…great, so I quickly went over, and turned the power off, and went back to sleep.  My alarm was set for 7:00, but I forgot to set the cat for the same time, so SHE was up at 6:15-6:30-ish making noise at the top of the steps…so I had to wake up because she wasn’t going to let me sleep…no problem…I think I got enough sleep. I had my breakfast, and my coffee, got the cat squared away for the morning, then got everything I needed ready,  and started down to the quarry at around 9:30, I think I made it down in record time.
Rob got there shortly after me, and there was no one there except for what appeared to be an Open Water class down below.  Upper A was empty. Today’s plan was to get to the Deep Boat, and decide from there.   Not a problem, with the visibility being good to moderate lately, it was a good thing to stay flexible.  This week I also decided to try the rest of my new glove configuration, so I brought the wrist warmers, and decided to use them along with my new inner gloves.  It took a LITTLE longer setting up, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it.  I also noticed that my neck seal looks to be starting to get a little dry rotted, so I MAY need to change that (or trim it) shortly.

We waddled down the steep path and the first thing I noticed about my new glove system is that my wrists don’t get cold (and make me think I may have a leak) as soon as I stick my hands into the water… THAT was a good thing. We set the rest of our gear up, gave each other the once over, and dropped to 20 ft. for a bubble check.  Rob said I looked ok, he looked fine, but I thought I saw a bubble trail coming from behind...but it must have been something just leaving his wing hose, because it stopped as soon as he turned for me, so he looked good, and we kept going.  Down past the trees and the Dolphin Tower, to the pipe, then over to the CAT. We checked in and all was still good, so he pointed to the LEFT of the CAT, so I was thinking “Deep Deep Boat!”  I found the pipe that headed down the hill, and kept my light on that…we were soon at the debris pile that used to be a building, and staring at the steps.  Rob kept going so I followed down the steps until the Deep Deep Boat came into view.  Rob looked at me and gave me the “back up” sign so I agreed and followed, looking in and under the steps as I rose.  At the top, we checked in again, and he pointed in the direction of the Deep Boat.  The visibility was a little foggy, and at one point he looked at me and shrugged. I thought we were still headed in the right direction so I just (guessed and) pointed to where I thought it was.  I was right! (for once) The boat came out of the fog.  We passed by it, and kept along the bottom until we hit the wall, then made a left along the bottom of the wall. I happened to look up at the Trench, and saw the Pump House above me.  We followed along the bottom of the wall and were soon passing the “tripod tree” which meant we were close to the Outhouse.  At the Outhouse, Rob looked at me and gave the “go back” signal, and I agreed.  We followed along a little further out from the wall, but came back in, and were soon at the bottom of the Pump House.  It’s been a while since I got to see the little lobster, so I picked him up, and wiped him off, then put him back on his perch.  Rob was checking out a boulder and part of a Christmas tree stand under the house, trying to figure out if that boulder is new or not?!?! (I don’t recall, but to me all the rocks look alike, but I don’t really remember the Christmas tree stand?)  After wiping down the dirty lobster we ascended to about 55 feet under the Aqua Adventures truck, and Rob pointed out the line to the CAT for a deep stop of sorts.  So we followed the line, and were soon making the left to come back in. Rob looked at me and gave me the “getting cold” sign, so I agreed and we headed to where we could do our safety stop.  After five minutes we gave each other the OK and we headed to the exit and we were done!

Duration: 43 minutes
Deepest Depth: 113ft.
Coldest Temp: 35º

Not a bad dive at all! I felt pretty good the whole dive, my hands stayed fairly warm, and everything felt great.  I felt like I was able to keep a little further off of the bottom than I usually do, so hopefully that’s a new trend. (next time I’ll probably make a new trench)  As I was putting my gear away, however, I DID notice that my neck seal DID rip, so I will need to change that out before I get out the next time. (something HAD to go wrong, just glad it ripped AFTER the dive and not before)  I need to pull that video from the website so I can swap out my seals… I may just do the wrist seals while I’m messing with everything.

After we packed, we headed to PizzAtown for a quick bite and a beer as a reward!    Not sure what the future holds for me next weekend, but I’ll still get a fill on Monday night just in case.

Hope you all have a great week!

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